x x x x
this is the pictures taken yesterday with riera legong. yes, love her very much. (:
i was bored at home right now and idk what to do . how about having my dinner alone and eat maggie ? hahahha . okay LAME.
well , i need to go school on thursday as theres some project to do with my groups and need to finish it up. yes! should go this thurs. kena bangun pagy pagy lah ni. hehe ~
yah yah , i never saw my both bestfriend, johan & jimmie in school today. decided to text them but lazy gtu lor. & thanks adeq for fetching me up at school. sayang kau musi ! and yes, saw mimi and clans and he was smiling at me & i return back his smile. who else i saw ? hmmmm , taktawu lah ! haha !
now bhy were otw home with his big brother from bhy's workplace. conferm conferm dher penat. but yeah, get to spend tyme with bhy tomorrow. yok kite dua jady budak gyler ! hahhaa. i love you fucker fuck ! mwah mwahh !
boy tak betol: bobal banyak banyak. kalau dah penat baru blg ako kay ? kesian ako ngk kao. tsktsktsk. yp !